AGM March 2024

Committee Reports for 2023 & Accounts to 31 January 2024

The Coulsdon and Purley Probus Club Annual General Meeting will take place after lunch on Thursday 7th March 2024


  1. To receive apologies for absence
  2. To accept and agree the minutes of the AGM of 2 March 2023
    The minutes are printed on page 2 of this report
  3. To receive the Committee Reports and approve the Annual
    Accounts for the year ending 31 January 2024
  4. The previous Committee having stood down, except for the Chairman who was appointed for a two-year period . . .
    To Elect the following posts for the ensuing year:
    Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Luncheon Secretary, Outings Secretary, Speakers Secretary, Welfare Secretary, Member without Portfolio
    Unless there is a member objection or an excess of nominations has been received, the election will take place en bloc.
  5. To re-appoint Brian Morris as Examiner for 2024-2025
  6. Chairman to announce his Charity for 2024-2025
    Ian Payne, Secretary

Nominations for election are as follows:

Vice Chairman:Andrew Carver
Secretary: Ian Payne
Treasurer: Michael Southwell
Luncheon Secretary:Chris Moniz
Outings Secretary:Terry Ribbens
Speakers Secretary:Bob Witham
Welfare Secretary: Bill Ainsworth
Without Portfolio: Bill Baldock

Volunteer Posts not for election:

Newsletter Editor:Vincent Fosdike
Webmaster:Jim Mulvey


Minutes of AGM and Business Meeting held Thursday 2nd March 2023 ta Purley Sports Club, The Ridge, Purley CR8 3PF
The Chairman, Roger Gourd, welcomed 24 Members.
A silence was held for Sir Bernard Ingham who died 24a February 2023
Guest Graham Davis was welcomed – he filled in a membership form during the meeting.
LUNCHEON: Raffle after first course: mJi Mulvey officiated. £25 rasied towards culb reserves.

After Luncheon

Chairman, Roger Gourd, gave a short talk about hsi charity Macmillan Cancer Support.
Tony Farrell presented Roger a cheque from Probus for MCS for £700.00


Minutes of AGM TM3 March 2022 and Business Meeting 2″ February 2023 available on request from Secretary Ian Payne.

Attendance and Chairman’s Charity collection
Michael Southwell reported 42 members present and £48 collected for the Chairman’s Charity.

News of Members: Keith Brooham and John Pendleton ni hospital. Dave Garner (fall/head injury).
Graham Bass (broken hip) both home from hospital convalescing. Gerry Thompson now using
walking frame needs a lift from Eden Road, Croydon.

Outings Secretary: Terry Ribbens (absent) is organising na outing ot Denbies on 19* April.
Ian Payne organising a quiz on 24* November – quizmaster Dennis Evans

Coulsdon Chairman Report for year (Roger Gourd) Thanked Members for their support and for:
Charity contributions, Committee support, Merger with Probus Club of Purley.
Deaths during year: Alan Green, Andrew Kellard, Lionel Downton. New Member: Andrew Carver.
Coulsdon and Purley together re-invigorated. Best wishes ot new Chairman Tony Farrell.

Purley Chairman Report for year (John Crumplin)
Thanked members for their support.
Looking forward ot new merged Coulsdon and Purley Probus

Coulsdon Secretary Report for year (Ian Payne)
Produced agendas and minutes for Business and Committee meetings.
Newsletter compositor. Note ‘Write for Probus’ appeal from Editor, Vincent Fosdike.
Worked with others on Merger and new Constitution in Handbook.

Purley Secretary Report for year (Bill Baldock)
Thanked Committee for their support.
Deaths during year: Colin Smart, John Crosby, Russell Pullen, Sir Bernard Ingham

Coulsdon Treasurer Report for year (Mike Southwell)
Ladies/Christmas lunch made loss of £423 due to unforeseen circumstances. Fund balance reduced from £4079 to £3484, but with Purley contribution on merger, no annual fee will be charged this year. Contributions towards the Chairman’s charity were topped up ot £700. See Receipts and Payments a/c and Balance Sheet at 31-01-2023 for further information.

Purley Treasurer Report for year (Tony Farrell)
At bank 27-02-23 £2,024. After luncheons and gratuity adjustments, this leaves £760 ni the
Maurice Baker Fund (being given equally to two funds, SECHC and St. Christopher Hospice) and £1480.64 to be transferred ot Coulsdon on merger.
See Income and Expenditure a/c and Balance Sheet at 31-12-2022 and Credits and Debits since to 02-03-2023 for further information.

Luncheons: May 4asi ot be an Open Mecting – wives, partners and guests invited.

Approval of April 2023 Coulsdon and Purley Probus Handbook (Members/Constitution).
Draft had been circulated. Approved nem. con. with change from one to two-year term for Chairman.

Election of New Committee for 2022-2023
Roger Gourd in chair: Chairman – Tony Farrell and Secretary – Ian Payne elected nem. con.
Ian Payne in chair: Rest of Committee elected nem.con.
Vice Chainman – Andrew Carver, Treasurer – Michael Southwell, Luncheon Secretary – Chris Moniz, Speaker Sec – Bob Witham, Outings Sec – Tery Ribbens, Welfare Sec – Vacant, W/out Portfolio –
Bil Ainsworth. Other posts retained (not on Commitee); Newsleter Editor – Vincent Fosdike, Webmaster – Jmi Mulvey, Accounts Examiner – Brian Moris.

Handover to new Chairman
Outgoing Chairman, Roger Gourd presented the Chain of Office ot incoming Chairman, Tony Farrell. Tony has chosen as hsi Chairman’s Charity: ‘South East Cancer Help Centre’.

Close of meeting: 15:15

Next Meeting: Thursday ®6 April 2023

Next Commitee Meeting: Thursday 6* April 2023, 10.30 a.m.

Committee Reports for 2023


As your Chairman, and the first Chair of Coulsdon and Purley Probus, I am pleased to present my end of year report. 

Due to my absence recovering from spinal surgery and stroke from June 23 this report is a collaboration between myself and Andrew Carver (Vice Chair), in the Chair from July to January 2024.

This has been a memorable year not least because of the successful merger of Coulsdon and Purley Probus Clubs, this merger, having been discussed at length by the committees of both Clubs for some time beforehand, was agreed unanimously at the AGM in March 2023.

The reasons for the merger are well known and I have nothing to add in this report. Suffice to say that both Clubs had been experiencing difficulty at recruiting new members to replace losses and early action needed to be taken to keep Probus thriving in our area.

Having bolstered the membership total by way of the merger we are sad to report that during this year we lost Gerry Thompson, Alan Smith and Derek Lea to higher office. On a positive note I am pleased to welcome Graham Davis, Philip Kent and Brian Udell to our membership and wish them all a happy and rewarding association. The total numbers thus regard our membership are now: Ordinary 40, Companions 8, Associates 8. Thank you to Andrew who submitted recruitment articles to both Purley Pages and CR5 magazines. We hope to encourage new members over the coming year but ask that you all help your committee with this task. We will look at membership in more detail during 2024.

Social Activities: During the year, Terry Ribbens as our Outings Secretary, has been able to arrange various activities. Please see ‘Outings Secretary Report’ for details. Ian Payne organised the Quiz Night in November. Please see ‘Secretary Report’ for details. The Quiz raised £444 towards my Chairman’s Charity. Together with other donations, a cheque for £1,000 will be presented to the South East Cancer Help Centre at the AGM

We also had a very successful skittles match against Sanderstead and Riddlesdown Probus at the Limpsfield British Legion club. I am delighted to report that we won the cup with Andrew Carver collecting the cup for making the most points, Andrew challenges all to remove him from his throne at the next tournament this coming August.

Financial: The Club finances remain in good order, and we thank Michael for his continued and valued input as Hon Treasurer. (See separate financial report). In short annual membership costs will be £30. These fees will be collected in April.  

Speaker Programme: Bob Witham, as Speaker Secretary has arranged  some excellent speakers over the year. However, it’s getting harder  to attract speakers of interest and quality and within a tight budget so if you can help reduce the strain i.e. give a talk about any subject, please let Bob know. The cost of your meal will be refunded.

Welfare Secretary: (formerly known as Almoner): Bill Ainsworth endeavours to keep a weather eye on our members but it’s really up to the individuals to let Bill know of any long-term illness that stops them attending the monthly lunches. This role includes arranging the annual sending out of Xmas Cards for the widows of deceased members. I ask you all to help where possible i.e. ‘offers of lifts etc.’ to the monthly lunch and reporting the health status of members, where known.

We are also very grateful to Jim Mulvey and Vincent Fosdike for their superb input and maintenance of the Club Website and the monthly Newsletter. All members, including prospective members should view this very useful source of information at

The Club will not function without each and every one but I am sure you will all join me in thanking both Ian and Chris for their inputs in ensuring that that we fulfil our role as a welcoming and favoured Luncheon Club.

Tony Farrell

PS Committee Roles: It should be known to you all that most of the existing committee have been in post for some time. We should applaud their commitment to duty in serving the Club. However, there comes a time when even they will say, ‘enough is enough’ and we should not keep on expecting them to carry on regardless. 

I urge all members to consider what they might do to help and ask that you put yourself forward to fill any of the committee roles that are, or will be, available. 

Finally, I would like to thank all Members for the support they have given to me over the last twelve months, and I hope that we continue to value Coulsdon and Purley Probus as a welcoming and stimulating Club for us all.


Having steered the Committee through the merger including agreeing a new constitution, I have diligently prepared agendas and minutes for all Business Meetings (after luncheon) and Committee Meetings (four times per year). I have maintained the membership records and produced, in April and October (adding ‘previous occupation’ and ‘main interests’), the Club Handbook containing list of members and the Club constitution and rules. I ordered new lapel badges for Purley members and lapel badges and ties for new members. I designed and had printed our new Coulsdon and Purley Probus Membership Brochure. I designed an ‘Emergency Contact’ slip for members to complete.

I organized and ran our annual Quiz in November attracting 62 participants from our own club (4 teams), other Probus clubs (2 teams) and local residents (4 teams). Surplus of £444 was donated to the Chairman’s Charity, ‘South East Cancer Help Centre’.

Ian Payne


No subscriptions were charged during 2023-2024 as part of the merger agreement. This coming year the committee has agreed that £30 per member will be charged in April. As a result of extra number of members arising from the merger, the amount will be unchanged since the amount we charged before Covid. We have allowed for a possible increase in room hire charges from Purley Sports Club.

Regarding lunch fees charged to members, we will maintain our present policy of only increasing this fee to members  immediately on receiving notification of an increase from Purley Sports Club.

It was agreed that the outing to Wimbledon Tennis Club last year  would be subsidised as part of the merger agreement. The loss was £177  and came from the surplus on the monthly raffle. Future outings however will aim to break even. The quiz night had a surplus of £444 which the committee agreed should be put towards the Chairman’s charity. The surplus to be paid out to South East Cancer Help Centre at the March  2024 luncheon meeting is £1000.

JMT Southwell
Hon Treasurer


The annual programme is a monthly lunch held on the first Thursday of each month, other than for August. For the May Ladies’ and Christmas lunches, invitations are sent to companions and deceased members’ widows and these are also open to members’ guests.

The December 2022 Christmas lunch was the first combined Coulsdon & Purley Clubs’ event, attended by 30 members and their 26 guests. Members’ attendance numbers since then averaged 25 per lunch; highest 32 (February 2023), lowest 19 (July 2023). The May Ladies’ lunch was attended by 28 members and their 18 guests (46 in total) and at the Christmas 2023 event, 23 members and their 22 guests (45 in total) were present.

Arrangements are in hand to organise this year’s Ladies’ lunch for 2 May at the Coulsdon Manor Hotel. 

The Purley Sports Club normally review their pricing effective from May; the cost increase in 2023 was c.12%. As members are aware, PSC requires final numbers by 10.30 am on the Tuesday prior to the Thursday lunch after which the cost of the meal is payable. PSC is aware of the Club’s expected serving timings (viz. first course at c.12.45pm; teas/coffees to be served by 2.15 pm) in order to end proceedings at about 3pm.

Chris Moniz
Luncheons Secretary


Since taking over as Outings Secretary there have been four guided tour outings.

  • The Palace of Westminster with Chris Philp MP – July 2022
  • Denbies Wine Estate, travelling around the estate in a small train, together with lunch in their restaurant – April 2023
  • Westerham Brewery with lunch in their tap room – July 2023
  • Wimbledon All England Tennis Club and Museum with lunch –September 2023

I am now gearing up for this year and am investigating the following:

  • Coach trip to Tangmere Military Aviation Museum with lunch at local Pub.
  • Guided tour of Royal Albert Hall and afternoon tea at venue. Own or public transport. Probably combined with Sanderstead and Riddlesdown Probus Club, probably in May.
  • Minibus or private cars for guided tour trip to Bletchley Park with lunch in one of their restaurants.

I will be circulating members shortly.

Terry Ribbens
Outings Secretary


In April our own Ian Payne stepped into the breach, at short notice, and gave us ‘What’s in a Name’ all about his fascinating journey of discovery into his own family name and background.

In May Wilf Lower, a man with many contacts and work experience in the entertainment industry, kept us amused with many anecdotes of the ‘Lost Empires’ of the music halls and some well-known performers of that era.

In June Bob Ogley brought us down to earth with a bang recounting ‘Doodlebugs and Rockets’ the story of the missiles that rained down on the south-east during the last year of World War Two.

In July Simon Waterfield came to us dressed for the part and told us about the personalities, life and times of the Tolpuddle Martyrs. 

In September Peter Stammers presented ‘What you may not Know About Operation Chastise’. This was of course the famous Dambusters Raid at the time of 80th anniversary year. Peter gave us much to reflect on and dispelled a few myths.

In October lifeboat enthusiast Peter Woolhouse brought us up to date with the history and current status of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution on the eve of its 200th year of existence.

November saw a return visit from long-time friend Rev. Malcolm Newman who gave us an entertaining talk on ‘The Six Wives of Henry VIII. Who knew there could be so many laughs in this topic?

In December, with our partners in attendance, Eleanor Redshaw held our attention with her presentation ‘My Grandmother was a Suffragette’. The main events may be now many years in the past, but Eleanor told us a powerful story.

This January Gaye Illsley from ‘Lasting Power of Attorney Made Simple’ gave us a punchy presentation on a subject we all need to give serious attention to. 

In February Steve Bird presented ‘The Dutch in the Medway’. The event may have happened a long time ago, but it was a big wake up moment for the nation back then and remains a powerful memory for our men in navy blue.

Bob Witham
Speakers Secretary

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